In 2003, the gross pathology of the major organs and tissues of domestic ruminant species and a range of necropsy techniques were extensively reviewed in Australia. Presentations used during the review coare attached below for download; they can be viewed on their own as most images are labelled, or, in greater depth by consulting the accompanying textbook* from the course, which is available from the Center for Veterinary Education.
The presentations cover pathology of alimentary, skeletal, lymphoreticular, cardiovascular, liver, reproductive, muscular, skin, respiratory, nervous, and urinary systems of cattle, sheep, goats and sometimes deer. In addition there were presentations on foetal and neonatal diseases, diseases exotic to Australia, plant poisonings, parasitic diseases, acute systemic conditions and a special lecture on diseases of goats.
*Gross Pathology of Ruminants. Proceedings 350 Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science University of Sydney 418 pp. ISBN 0-9581772-2-8